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The Physical Education Department of Guntur Engineering College has been established in 2008. It took the responsibility not only to provide the necessary infrastructure that helps the students to inculcate good habit of playing games but also to develop the sportsmanship and comradeship. The college had demarked large area of land for Outdoor games namely: Cricket, Volley Ball, Ball Badminton, Throw Ball, Tennycoit and multi purpose ground. The college is provided which is furnished with Gymnasium and accommodating the indoor games like Table Tennis, Caroms, Chess etc., to horn the skills in the respective games as well as to enhance the physical fitness of the students and faculty.

Sports Activities
  • Preparation of play fields for the use of players from time to time.
  • Coaching provide to the participation teams.
  • Providing games and sports material for the regular practice.
  • Calling quotations for the purchase of quality sports material.
  • Organizing practice matches for different events from time to time.
  • Financial support to the outstanding sports persons to participate in International/National level tournaments.
  • Conducting intramural games and sports competitions for men and women students separately in Volleyball, Table tennis, Chess, Badminton, Throw ball, Tennikoit, Athletics events.
  • Conducting intramural games and sports competitions for the staff of the college both teaching and non-teaching (men and women) separately.
  • Presenting meritorious certificates and mementoes to the winners and runners in intramural competitions for students.

The National Service Scheme (NSS) is an Indian government-sponsored public service program conducted by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports of the Government of India. Popularly known as NSS, the scheme was launched in Gandhiji's Centenary year in 1969. Aimed at developing student's personality through community service, NSS is a voluntary association of young people in Colleges, Universities and at +2 level working for a campus-community (esp. Villages) linkage.


NCC Welcomes you to a new world of patriotism, discipline, adventure, courage and fun. But it is important to remember that becoming a good NCC cadet is not an easy task. A lot of hard work and dedication is required to achieve such a goal here. Here, in NCC, we teach you to be a good leader, to be a decisioker, to be a good team member, to be a disciplined citizen.